Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What is really happening to technology today and teaching?


TPACK- means Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge.
Technology is changing every day and it is changing fast. We are having a hard time keeping up with it. Kids can get more information by searching on the wed. Kids today have their very own technology they can use.  I have seen kids by able to find things faster then I can. They have cell phones, iPad, kindles, computers, games systems. Technology changes how we teach and what we teach. I know in my classroom I only have one kindle and one computer. I don’t have a smart board or several iPad for the kids to use for the technology that is needed. Smart boards today are helping teachers teach in a more advanced way. I would love to have a smart board in my classroom. You can do so much with them.  Today we can share music, buy music by the technology. Technology also changes the content.  

You have context-classroom-computer.
Classroom has computers or technology that can help the students learn.
Teacher need the tools to help them be able to teach. But along time ago teacher didn’t have technology and they were able to teach. But in todays world technology has become the classroom and teachers are having to keep up with it. Teachers are having to go to training just to stay caught up with it.
Technology=content=Pedagogy all goes together not alone.
This is a package to teaching technology. We are living in a world where technology is not going to go away. We have to learn to tech with it not without it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Crystal. There is so much technology out there and students are using it in their everyday lives. We need to get all the training we can on how technology works and how to use it in our classrooms. The TPACK is a great way to help guide us in implementing the technology. We have to stay caught up and incorporate it into our instruction so our students will stay engaged and will gain all the knowledge they can.
